Insight - Asset Management



It is now available as part of Jira Service Management Cloud Premium or Enterprise editions.

Unlike legacy CMDBs, a flexible and open data structure allows teams to manage any asset. Efficiently track ownership and lifecycles, and reduce costs.

Asset tracking

Track IT assets for inventory management, auditing, and more. Access asset details from Jira tickets to make informed decisions and resolve issues quickly.

Asset discovery

Scan your network to discover and populate your asset repository or CMDB. Detect infrastructure changes, identify shadow IT assets, and improve support.

Asset reviews

Pinpoint ways to increase efficiency, reduce support costs, and maximize the value of your IT asset lifecycle.

Importers and integrations

Migrate or federate asset information. Import from common file types and integrate with leading third party tools.

See Also

You can see the list of fields available to export by visiting this link:

List of Insight - Asset Management fields